Things You Should Know

Hey. My name is Rowan. I'm from this place called Pretoria. It's alright. For those of you who don't know, it's in Africa. Down south. In South Africa. In fact, it's the capital. And no, we don't ride elephants to school. Idiots. I have this thing for literature, music, theatre, film. You catch my drift. I'm highly opinionated about many things, so if I offend you at any time; I'm not sorry. I myself am a lyricist and songwriter, albeit not professionally as yet. I do occasionally try my hand at musical theatre. Occasionally. And this is where I spill my heart and soul.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

So let me start by thanking some people...

I should probably explain. I tend to write things. Things that are sometimes ludicrous, controversial or straight-out different. Other times they're deep and meaningful. This is the exception. They can come into life in the form of songs, poems, stories, badly strung together thoughts or annoying catch phrases. So don't expect anything. Cause you will be disappointed. But read along anyway.  Cause life's no fun without some Chilled Vibes.

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