Things You Should Know

Hey. My name is Rowan. I'm from this place called Pretoria. It's alright. For those of you who don't know, it's in Africa. Down south. In South Africa. In fact, it's the capital. And no, we don't ride elephants to school. Idiots. I have this thing for literature, music, theatre, film. You catch my drift. I'm highly opinionated about many things, so if I offend you at any time; I'm not sorry. I myself am a lyricist and songwriter, albeit not professionally as yet. I do occasionally try my hand at musical theatre. Occasionally. And this is where I spill my heart and soul.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Plastics - Polluting the brain.

Is it possible that South Africa has finally found a unique Indie band? Perhaps. Last week's headliner at !AE suggests that. For those of you not in the know, The Plastics are a Cape Town-based band, complete with hipster vibes unheard of in P-Town. They consist of brothers Sasha and Pascal Righini, on drums and guitar and lead vocals respectively, Karl Rohloff on bass and Arjuna Kohlstock on lead guitar. They play some eclectic indie (such as Jukebox and Caroline) with some rock n' roll influences (Dirty Dancing and Monkey Simulation come to mind) and have a super tight live act. Pascal has a voice that just sits in the music perfectly. Although I imagine they might not have been too impressed with the !AE regulars (excluding me of course), who tend to be overly large, drunk and rowdy, they seemed to enjoy themselves on stage. One thing that never ceases to surprise me is the overwhelming support bands get from the limited numbers that seem to frequent !AE. Encores are demanded. Every. Single. Time. And the same happened here. But this time I desperately wanted them to play an encore. Desperately. Maybe purely for the reason that they might decide to play my favourite Plastics' song ever, Caroline. But alas it was not to be. Despite my utter disappointment at not having heard the sultry riffs of the "ballad", the gig was pretty awesome. Although The Plastics are an immense band, oozing the indie vibes SA desperately needs, please don't go and find out more about them. We don't want another commercial "Indie" band here.

Gig rating; 8.43/10.5
Venue rating: It's !AE. Don't be silly.
Specials: Thursdays mean buy one get one free cocktails and pizza. The pizza's surprisingly good. For the only beer that matters, a Zamalec will cost you R10, a double brandy and coke (this is P-Town) will burn you R18 and it's R10 tequila. (Stay away. Trust.) These specials die at 8pm, so start the party early.

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